Unlock Daily Discounts, Offers and Deals at Your Local Kiosk

Niyaleo is available to download from both App Store and Google Play Store.


Niyaleo helps you

Discover amazing Deals, Offers, and Shopping Rewards every day—right at your favorite local kiosk!

Earn Reward Points

Redeem Points for Goods

Access Exclusive Deals

Get Amazing Daily Offers

Engage On Channels

Save with Friends

Earn Referral Points

Save with Coupons

Get Started

How It Works – Unlock Your Daily Rewards in 4 Easy Steps!


Step 1: Download the Niyaleo App

Get started in seconds! Install the app and sign up for free..


Step 2: Browse Daily Deals

Discover exclusive offers and rewards available at all your local kiosks.

Niyaleo app offers


Step 3: Shop & Save

Redeem discounts, earn rewards, and enjoy instant savings every time you shop!


Step 4: Earn Reward Points

Get points on every purchase at your local kiosk and unlock even more perks!


Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

  • You earn reward points every time you shop at a participating kiosk. Just scan the kiosk’s QR code, enter its merchant code, or provide your phone number at checkout. Your points are added automatically based on your purchase!


  • You can redeem your points at any participating kiosk, not just the one where you earned them. This means more flexibility when using your rewards!

  • Simply open the app, and you’ll see a map of nearby kiosks with available offers. Tap on any kiosk to view the latest deals and rewards they provide.

  • Yes! You can team up with friends to unlock even bigger discounts. Just invite them to a deal through the app, and when you shop together, you’ll enjoy lower prices! Plus, with the "Channels" feature, you can chat directly with merchants to ask about their services, promotions, or any questions before making a purchase.

  • No, offers, deals, and rewards are based on your location as set in the app. Users in different areas will see different promotions from kiosks near them. However, for group deals, each participant can pick up their items at their respective local kiosks, meaning you can shop together even if you're not in the same physical place!

  • No worries! You can still earn points by giving the merchant your phone number associated with your app account, and they will credit your points based on your purchase.

  • Every offer, deal, or reward is tied to qualifying points, meaning the more points you have, the more deals and offers you can access.

  • No, qualifying points are NOT spent when you redeem an offer or deal. They only determine what you’re eligible for. Your reward points are only deducted when you redeem them for actual goods or services.

  • Absolutely! You can share your points with a friend or family member directly through the app. And yes, the app is completely free to download and use—start saving today!

  • No, your reward points never expire - they're yours to keep and use whenever you want! However, please note that the value or redemption rates associated with points may change from time to time. We'll always notify you through the app about any upcoming changes to point values, giving you time to redeem at current rates if you prefer.

Start earning 

Ready to unlock amazing deals and rewards? Download the Niyaleo app now!